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Y2K The Millennium Disaster That Never Happen

Remember Y2K the end of millennium, where all computers were about to stop working. All financial systems, health data, flights, governmental data, military applications,  and many others were going to get stuck. Back on the days, the year represented by 2 digits. You ask why? Because memory was so big and expansive when computer started. And since computer systems are built upon each other it remained.

Moving a 5MB IBM Hard Drive in 1956

Now the problem at the new year when 31 December 1999 (31-12-99) ends. Here is the possibility for the new date:

  • 01-01-00 : which can be interpreted by PC as 01-01-1900 or 01-01-2000
  • 01-01-56 : The computer will turn to it’s first registered date (flips off)

The movement started in 90’s and kept gaining traction little by little until it became news headlines subject. Then came year 2000 and nothing happened!

People started wondering was it really a threat to our way of living or just a money-milking hoax?! Actually it was a threat, one that we have noticed early on and prepared well for it. So it passed safely with an exception of minor events here and there. 

Yet, because it went somehow smooth people thought it was not real. To a degree that one of strongest whistle-blower said

I find myself in peculiar position sometimes of particularly wishing that we had failed… in order to prove that we were correct

Peter De Jager

Same thing happens when you work in operations, as people come screaming to you whenever there is problem, but never notice when things run smooth 99.99% of the time. 

Where were you when Y2K happened? Did you take part in preparation? Tell me about it…