Posted in Office, Powerpoint

Smooth Powerpoint with Zoom

This tip will add a wow element to your presentation 😎. It will give you a way to connect multiple topics together. Let me show you first.

Step 1: Divide your presentation into sections using

Step 2: Add the zoom icons (mini slides)

Step 3: Edit the icons and setting from the new zoom tab

Here you go a wow element to your presentation 😎.

Posted in Excel, Office, Powerpoint

Universal Office Tip That Will Increase Your Productivity

This one is simple and quick. You just need to know it once and it is about how to find any functionality in Microsoft office application? In two steps

  • First, look at the ribbon tab titles and guess under which title does the function you are looking for fall?
  • Second, look at the subtitles at the bottom of that tab. Viola that’s it.

Lets take and example, in Excel where do you find Define Range Name? 1) My guess it’s either under data tab or formula. 2) In data tab I have subtitles (Get External Data, Connection, Data Types, Sort and Filter, Data Tools, Forecast, Outline), I find it doesn’t fall under any of those subtitles, then I go to formula tab and I found Define Names as subtitle right infront of my face 😅.

Posted in Office, Powerpoint

Powerpoint Top Tip

If you ask me about one advise about powerpoint I’ll say one word “master slide”. It will make your life easier. Basically it is like the template where any effect reflects on the rest of the presentation. you can add logo, change color, and font. You can access it from View > Slide Master.

And to exit from New tab of Slide Master > Close

An important note though, to have a consistent result use the specified boxes for text; write the titles in titles box not just in any drop text box. This way if you make any changes in master slide it’ll be reflected on the while presentation.

So, what is it you are struggling with? Let me know if I can help.