Posted in Books, Operations

A Book That Changed How I Look at Efficiency

The Goal became one of my favorite books. It discusses the concept of efficiency, productivity and introduces the concept of throughput in manufacturing environment through the introduction to the theory of constraints. And it demonstrates it in intriguing way, as it is written as a novel. I came to read this book as it is recommended by the author of my other favourite book the Phoenix Project.

It is an eye-opening as it encourages you to look at your company as a whole. What happens most of the time is that departments compete against each other, each trying to achieve their own efficiency, loosing sight of overall “throughput” of the company. To increase throughput you need to find out your bottlenecks (constraints) and eliminate them. Sounds nonsense right! Well! It took the auther a novel to explain, go read it 😅.

To tell the truth these business novels are starting to grow on me. What is your favor book?