Posted in Article, Leadership, Video

Introversion Vs Extroversion For Business

Recently I watched a video suggesting to spend time in solitude and to get disconnected to increase your productivity. While this can be true for some people it definitely not for all. Here is the video…

Basically, he is the anti Anthony Robins who once said “Stay in your head and you are dead”. Extreme extroversion vs. extreme introversion. I’ve talked about that in a blog. There is no one way to increase productivity. If I learned one thing in my life is abundance, there is always another way. Some produces best in a closed-office and some produces best in a war room.

In my opinion, each one of us has his own unique-best-way to reach out for maximum growth. I advise you to explore and try! Do not take what people say for granted. And every once in a while challenge yourself and GET OUT of your comfort zone. If you are mostly an introvert, go out and meet new people for the sake of challenge. On the other hand if you are an extrovert, meditate or stay in solitude just challenge yourself. Be defiant! And let others, your subordinates, teammates, and colleagues explore their own way as well.